Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Keep Looking Up

From my files...
oh, and by the way, we have a big robin in our yard - he/she arrived Sunday much to our delight!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Arizona was a WONDERFUL getaway, however the time went by way too fast. I do have a sunburn to remind me that it IS warm & the sun is shining SOMEwhere. How can the desert be SO beautiful??


Isn't she the cutest? Why do babies look so cute when they yawn, but adults look so ... well, contorted & distorted when they yawn??

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Alliyah & I had Coldstone ice cream today for lunch. She loved it. We didn't have dessert though.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17

What a fabulous remembrance book Connie made - she spent hours making five of these, in different color themes. She let me pick the one I wanted. There are pictures of Rich inside, and also pictures of his artwork. Connie helped me make miniature versions of these books for ATCs, the theme was 'Things that Go Together' - so I used St. Patrick's Day & Rich's Birthday..............she kept it a secret that she was making larger versions to share with our family. THANK YOU CONNIE! She's Rich's most favorite aunt.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Rich!

March 17, 1970 - Rich's birthday. Darrel Richard Hovde. He would have been 39 this year.......we miss him!! Here's a picture of Rich & my Mom that was taken at Jason & Jenelle's wedding about 8 years ago.
This is a picture that Rich drew. When he was little, he used to tell my sister Connie that when he grew up, he was going to have a purple pickup. Notice his detail in the grass and the shading of the pickup, sidewalk, tree, and part of a mailbox. He had a keen eye for detail - the pickup even has a shadow!!
I often hear his voice saying "It's all right Mom!"
Life will never, ever be the same after the grievous loss of my first son.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Alliyah Joy

What a joyful baby!! Alliyah is 8 months - I babysit her once a week, she's my niece Missy's daughter. She is the happiest baby - complete with sound effects - she makes boat motor sounds in all ranges, high and low, she laughs, she giggles, she CRAWLS - and she doesn't take naps very often. When she does take a nap, it's a short one, basically a re-charge. Look at those EYELASHES!

Monday, March 9, 2009

March Bloom

This morning I found this tiny little bloom in my planter - this is the planter Rich gave me last year in early May. A tiny bud formed in early December, so TINY....and last week another bud showed up. So now the first bud is beginning to bloom! This marigold grew from seed from a previous marigold in this planter.
It's been a blue month - Rich's birthday is March 17, St. Patrick's Day. He would've been 39. Usually I don't try to keep planters going throughout the winter, however since THIS one is from Rich, I want to keep it alive. What a glorious lift to see this little piece of sunshine.................